It shouldn’t need stating that I am not presenting myself as an authority on this, but I’ve found that I do need to include this disclaimer.
There is no ‘common’ sense, because our viewpoints on the subject can and will diverge radically and we lack a common understanding. I won’t be completely successful, but that is because there are no set-in-stone rules here. Except I want to avoid all that negative stuff as best I can.
I bring this topic up precisely because it does scare and confuse and inflame. That might not be clear when you first start looking into the issue, however. Of course, the former is a much larger portion of the debate, and the latter is almost always a huge straw-man argument that few people actually make, but serves to bolster the idea that anyone who takes issue with cultural appropriation is a hysterical hater. It ranges from the aggressively entitled stance of, “I can do whatever I want!” to the perpetually angry approach of “everything is cultural appropriation!”.
Cultural appropriation is a seriously hot-button topic.